Chilean Cardinal Applauds End to Death Penalty

SANTIAGO, Chile, JUNE 1, 2001 ( The head of the Chilean bishops´ conference praised a new law abolishing the death penalty.

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Cardinal Francisco Javier Errázuriz hailed Congress and President Ricardo Lagos, who signed the measure into law Wednesday. The penal code has commuted the death penalty to life imprisonment. Congress moved to abolish the law in April.

Referring to capital punishment, Cardinal Errázuriz said that the dignity of the human person is endangered, since the punishment is irreversible and a judicial error could not be appealed. He praised Congress and the president «for taking this important step in protecting the life of the human person.»

Given that Chileans are worried about the increase in violent crime, Congress stipulated that a minimum of 40 years must be served in a life sentence. Previously, parole was possible after 20 years.

The penal code provided the death penalty by firing squad in cases of murder of a family member, kidnapping of children or violence against them, and kidnapping of adults that caused the death or murder of police agents.

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