Signs of Hope for Latin America's Development

According to the Undersecretary of the Pontifical Council for the Laity

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RIMINI, Italy, AUG. 31, 2003 ( One of John Paul II’s lay collaborators says that Latin American is showing signs of hope for development and economic growth.

According to Guzmán Carriquiry Lecour, undersecretary of the Pontifical Council for the Laity, if development is to take place, North America and Europe must understand that «Latin America does not need aid, but the possibility to be able to trade in conditions of parity.»

The Uruguayan, who has worked in the Vatican for 30 years, said that Argentina and Brazil recently have been demonstrating that the Latin American subcontinent can exercise the role that corresponds to it in the world economy.

In an interview with ZENIT, Carriquiry, who is the author of the recent publication «Globalization and Catholic Identity of Latin America» (Plaza & Janés), began by addressing the Argentine situation.

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