Preparing Evangelization Synod: Council Stresses Family's Role

Seen as Solution to the ‘Crisis in Transmitting the Faith’

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VATICAN CITY, FEB. 28, 2012 ( The 12th Ordinary Council of the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops held its seventh meeting, highlighting the important role of the family in evangelization.

Archbishop Nikola Eterovic, secretary general of the Synod, led the preparatory meeting for the Oct. 7-28 synod, that will consider evangelization and the transmission of the faith.

The council worked on a draft of the «Instrumentum laboris» or working document of the forthcoming Synod, pausing to examine the issue of «the recipients of the new evangelization and the identity of Christians in their relationship with Christ.»

A communiqué from the council noted that «debate was particularly intense concerning the primacy of the faith at this time in history, characterized as it is by a crisis in faith which is also a crisis in the transmission of faith. Mention was made of the ‘fruitlessness of current evangelization,’ also due to the influence of modern culture which makes the transmission of the faith particularly difficult, and represents a challenge for both Christians and the Church. 

«In this context, the Year of Faith will be a good occasion to develop to gift of the faith received from the Lord, to live it and transmit it to others.»
«The primary place for the transmission of faith was identified as the family,» the communiqué added. «There the faith is communicated to young people who, in the family, learn both the contents and practice of Christian faith. The indispensable efforts of families are then extended by catechesis in ecclesial institutions, especially through the liturgy with the Sacraments and the homily, or by giving space to parish missions popular piety, movements and ecclesial communities.»

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