Police Find Boko Haram Plans to Disguise Bombers as Nuns

Churches Advised to Reduce Adoration Time, Procession

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The fundamentalist group terrorizing Nigeria has planned suicide bomber attacks with women dressed as nuns.

According to the Fides news agency, Boko Haram is increasingly using women to carry out its suicide bomber attacks.

The director of Social Communications for the Archdiocese of Abuja, Father Patrick Tor Alumuku, told Fides that some months ago in Kano, police discovered tailors sewing women religious habits intended for bombers.

«In the last month there have been at least four or five attacks committed by women suicide [bombers] in Nigeria,» the priest said. «The last one was in the market of Maiduguri, on Nov. 25, with two women suicide [bombers] that caused 70 deaths according to the last toll. Previously similar attacks took place at the University of Kano and in that of Kotangora, while last week a girl blew herself up in a school classroom with 30 students.»

Father Tor Alumuku said the alarm was reflected in police recommendations to shorten the time of adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the churches of Abuja for last Sunday’s feast of Christ the King, and to reduce the procession.

Police also told Church officials to be wary of women who appeared pregnant, as the bombers hide bombs under false bellies.

«Boko Haram is always looking for new ways to sow terror but we as a Church want to sow hope,” the priest commented.

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