«I give a warm welcome to the Arabic-speaking pilgrims, particularly those from Syria and Lebanon!», said Pope Francis during his General Audience of Jan. 24, 2018.
This morning’s General Audience was held at 9:30 in St. Peter’s Square where the Holy Father Francis met with groups of pilgrims and faithful from Italy and from all over the world.
The Pope spoke in Italian, translated immediately into Arabic by one of his collaborators in the Roman Curia: «Peace is the supreme gift that Christ left us before ascending to heaven.
«To live in this peace, that only He can give, makes us see in every man a brother, transforms differences into wealth and makes us able to put them together to build a world in which each person can find his or her place, sharing with others His gifts and enjoying all his or her rights.»
Pope Francis concluded, praying: «May the Lord bless you and give you his peace!»
General Audience © Vatican Media
'In Every Man, We Must See a Brother, ' Pope Suggests to Arabic-speaking Pilgrims
Reminds Syrians and Lebanese That Peace Is the Supreme Gift Lord Has Given Us