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Cardinal Parolin on Dialogue with China

Interview with Cardinal Parolin Published on January 31, 2018, in the Daily “La Stampa”

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“We are close”, were Cardinal Parolin’s words on the Holy See’s relationship with the Chinese Bishops. There are two communities of faithful in China, but not two Churches, clarified the Cardinal Secretary of State, in the interview with “Vatican Insider” published yesterday in the daily “La Stampa.”
Cardinal Parolin trusts the firm faith of the Chinese Catholics, whose sufferings the Church doesn’t forget. The Cardinal described obedience and fidelity to the Successor of Peter as the best way to pay tribute to the Chinese martyrs. Through dialogue with the Chinese faithful, the Holy See aspires to reconciliation and unity. Cardinal Parolin said he was confident regarding the elections of Bishops in China, hoping for the end of oppositions and controversies on the legitimacy and official status of high prelates. The Vatican’s number two stressed that there is no perfect solution; time and patience are needed. The Holy See is a mediator to build respectful and true dialogue and to proclaim the Gospel. The Church doesn’t want to change the structure or administration of the State, but only to promote the common good, said the Cardinal.

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Britta Dörre

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