The “Clericus Cup,” international soccer championship for seminarians and priests, is in its 12th edition: the kick-off will be this weekend, February 24-25, 2018, indicated a press release of the organizers of the Clericus Cup.
There is a novelty for those about to support the soccer engagement: for the first time, the referee will be a priest, Father Jordan Coraglia, 43, Italian priest of the diocese of Brescia.
“I’m honoured and I have the chance of being able to descend on this magnificent terrain, dominated by the cupola of Saint Peter’s,” said Father Coraglia. From now on, after years of being accustomed to wear two vests I say straightaway that the Gospel is my rule, but the regulation must not become gospel, because the first has given meaning to my life, while the rules of the game have often changed and are always perfectible.”
The event is organized by the Italian Sports Center (CSI), under the patronage of the National Bureau of Leisure, Tourism and Sport of the Italian Episcopal Conference, of the Vatican’s Dicastery for the Laity, the Family and Life and of the Pontifical Council for Culture. It will be presented to the press on Friday, February 23 at 10:45 am in the Marconi Room of the Palazzo Pio.
Besides Vittorio Bosio and Father Alessio Albertini, President and National Ecclesiastical Adviser, respectively, of the CSI, Monsignor Melchor Sanchez de Toca, Under-Secretary of the Pontifical Council for Culture and Dr Santiago Perez de Camino Gaisse , Director of the Bureau of the Church and of Sport of the Dicastery for the Laity, the Family and Life, will also be present.

Borussia Mönchengladbach Soccer Team © L'Osservatore Romano
“Clericus Cup”: 12th Edition of the Clergy’s Soccer Championship
For the First Time, a Priest Will be the Referee