Parolin spoke of his mother’s unwavering faith, noting that it was a constant guide for him throughout his life.

Parolin spoke of his mother’s unwavering faith, noting that it was a constant guide for him throughout his life. Photo: Vatican Media

This was the emotional funeral celebrated by the Cardinal Secretary of State for his deceased mother (and this is what the Pope wrote to him)

Cardinal Parolin Misses Papal Journey Due to Mother’s Passing, Leads Emotional Farewell in Schiavon

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(ZENIT News / Rome, 09.08.2024).- While Pope Francis embarked on his Southeast Asia and Oceania pastoral tour in early September, a familiar face was notably absent—Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Vatican’s Secretary of State. The reason for Parolin’s absence was a deeply personal one: he was mourning the loss of his mother, Ada Miotti, who passed away at the age of 96 on August 31.

On September 3, the small town of Schiavon in Italy’s Vicenza province became the scene of a heartfelt tribute to Ada Miotti. Hundreds gathered at the local parish church to pay their respects to the woman whose faith and devotion shaped not only her family but also the wider community. Among those present were friends, relatives, clergy, and civil authorities who came to honor a life well lived.

The funeral Mass, presided over by Cardinal Parolin himself, was a poignant ceremony. Visibly emotional, Parolin delivered a touching homily, reflecting on the profound influence his mother had on his life. “Thank you, Mom. It was on your knees that we learned the Gospel,” he said, his voice heavy with gratitude and loss. His words resonated deeply with the congregation, many of whom had known Ada personally and shared in the sorrow of her passing.

Il cardinale Parolin tiene l'omelia durante la Messa funebre per la madre

Parolin spoke of his mother’s unwavering faith, noting that it was a constant guide for him throughout his life. He recalled how she had taught him and his siblings the value of prayer, service, and trust in God. Now, he said, she was reunited with her husband, Luigi, who had passed away in 1965. “After 59 years, they meet again in an embrace that will last for all eternity,” Parolin said, capturing the bittersweet hope of Christian resurrection.

The funeral was attended by several prominent figures, including Cardinal Konrad Krajewski and Bishop Giuliano Brugnotto of Vicenza, alongside representatives from various dioceses and religious communities. Priests, nuns, and laypeople alike gathered to support Parolin in his grief, while local civil and military authorities also paid their respects to the family. Ada Miotti, a former elementary school teacher, was remembered not only for her devotion to her family but also for her service to the broader community.

Pope Francis, though far away on his apostolic trip, sent a message of condolence. In a telegram read at the service, the Pope expressed his spiritual solidarity with Parolin and his family. “I participate spiritually in the grief that has struck your family, assuring my prayers and blessings in this moment of human suffering,” the Pope’s message read. His words underscored the close bond between Francis and his Secretary of State, even in moments of personal sorrow.

Cardinal Matteo Zuppi, President of the Italian Episcopal Conference, also extended his condolences, reminding the faithful of the strength that faith and family provide in times of loss.

La folla alla Messa funebre della mamma del cardinale Parolin

In his homily, Parolin also took time to honor three individuals who played important roles in his mother’s life: her husband Luigi, her parish priest Don Angelo Fornase, and Sartor, the school principal with whom Ada had worked. Parolin explained how these three figures represented the key pillars of his mother’s life: family, faith, and education. “These were the realms where my mother gave herself fully, teaching us to do the same,” he remarked.

As the Mass drew to a close, the community of Schiavon prepared to bid farewell to Ada Miotti one last time. Her body was laid to rest in the family chapel at the local cemetery, beside her beloved Luigi. In the final moments of the burial, Cardinal Parolin led a final prayer, his eyes filled with tears as he recited the words of farewell. Family members took turns approaching the coffin, placing gentle kisses on the urn as they said their goodbyes.

For those who knew her, Ada Miotti’s legacy will live on in the example she set—a life of faith, love, and service to others. Her son, Cardinal Parolin, ensured that her memory would not only remain in the hearts of her family but would inspire the many lives she touched. In a time of grief, the community of Schiavon gathered not just to mourn but to celebrate the hope of resurrection, a testament to the enduring faith that Ada instilled in her children and everyone around her.

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