where he climbed into a golf cart to greet the 50,000 faithful who had come to witness the occasion

where he climbed into a golf cart to greet the 50,000 faithful who had come to witness the occasion Photo: Vatican Media

Pope’s second day in Singapore: what did the Pope do?

Pope Francis Receives Warm Welcome in Singapore, Meets with Leaders, and Celebrates Mass

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(ZENIT News / Changui, 09.12.2024).- On Thursday, September 12, Pope Francis began his day in Singapore with a series of high-profile events, from a formal state welcome at the Parliament House to a significant meeting with Singapore’s leaders, and concluded the day with a grand Mass at the National Stadium. His visit underscored the importance of dialogue, peace, and faith in the modern world.

A Ceremonial Welcome at Parliament House

The day started with Pope Francis departing from the St. Francis Xavier Retreat Centre and heading to the Parliament House of Singapore. At 9:00 AM, the official welcome ceremony commenced. Upon arrival, the Pope was greeted by the President of Singapore, Tharman Shanmugaratnam, in a display of diplomatic pageantry that included an honor guard, the playing of national anthems, and a flag salute.

The ceremony continued with the presentation of the delegations, a solemn signing of the guest book, and the unique Orchid Naming Ceremony—a traditional gesture in Singapore where a newly discovered orchid species is named in honor of distinguished visitors. This act symbolized the blooming of relations between the Vatican and Singapore.

Meetings with the President and Prime Minister

Following the welcoming formalities, Pope Francis moved to the Temasek Room for a private courtesy meeting with President Shanmugaratnam, accompanied by their respective delegations. This meeting allowed both leaders to discuss matters of mutual interest, including global peace, environmental sustainability, and interfaith cooperation.

After a formal photo session, the Pope also met with Singapore’s Prime Minister, Wong Shyun Tsai. Their discussions further emphasized the shared goals of promoting peace, social justice, and fostering unity among different communities.

Addressing Singapore’s Leaders and Society

At 10:30 AM, the Pope was welcomed at the National University of Singapore for an important gathering with political and religious leaders, diplomats, entrepreneurs, and cultural figures. Held at the University Cultural Centre, this event was a key moment for Pope Francis to address the influential figures shaping Singapore’s society.

In his speech, the Pope highlighted the role of education and dialogue in building a just and harmonious society. He praised Singapore’s commitment to multiculturalism and underscored the necessity of continued collaboration across religious and cultural divides. President Shanmugaratnam introduced the Pope’s address, setting the stage for this meaningful interaction between church and state. 

A Meeting with Senior Minister Lee Hsien Loong

After his public engagements, Pope Francis returned to the St. Francis Xavier Retreat Centre at noon for a private meeting with Singapore’s Senior Minister and former Prime Minister, Lee Hsien Loong. This discreet yet significant encounter reflected the deep respect between the two figures and offered an opportunity for candid dialogue on pressing global issues.

 A Grand Mass at Singapore’s National Stadium

The day’s events culminated with a massive celebration of faith. In the late afternoon, Pope Francis traveled to the Singapore Sports Hub, where he presided over a Eucharistic celebration at the National Stadium. The atmosphere was electric as thousands of worshippers gathered in anticipation.

Upon his arrival, Pope Francis entered the stadium from the East Gate and made his way to the North-East entrance, where he climbed into a golf cart to greet the 50,000 faithful who had come to witness the occasion. At 5:10 PM, the Pope led the celebration in commemoration of the Holy Name of Mary, delivering a powerful homily that called for unity, compassion, and faith in the face of adversity.

After the Mass, Cardinal William Goh Seng Chye, Archbishop of Singapore, expressed his gratitude to the Pope for his visit, acknowledging the profound impact his presence had on the local Catholic community. With heartfelt words of thanks and the conclusion of the celebration, Pope Francis returned to the St. Francis Xavier Retreat Centre, wrapping up a memorable and spiritually uplifting day.

A Day of Faith and Diplomacy

Pope Francis’ visit to Singapore was marked by both spiritual and diplomatic milestones. From his conversations with the nation’s top leaders to his stirring message to thousands of faithful, the Pope left an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of those in attendance. His emphasis on dialogue, peace, and the power of faith resonated deeply in a country that values diversity and unity.

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