Following the provisions issued by the government of the province of Santa Cruz and the National Ministry of Health, the celebration and meeting for the first Mass in Puerto San Julian, scheduled for March 31 and April 1-2 have been suspended. This is what the Bishop of Santa Cruz, Msgr. Jorge Garcia Cuerva said in a statement sent to Fides News Agency. The bishop thanked everyone for the time and commitment dedicated to the preparation of this event.
«Let us be inspired by this time of lived communion, so that the 500 years of the first Mass may be a sign of unity that spurs us to continue building a Church to whose table everyone feels invited, especially the poorest and most excluded,» wrote Mgr. Garcia Cuerva.
Finally, the Bishop, trusting «in the ever-attentive assistance of the Virgin», urges to take all the necessary precautions to safeguard the health of all, without letting oneself be taken by anxiety, being prudent and cautious, attentive to the needs of the last, «because we do not walk alone, Jesus continues to walk with us».