© Vatican Media

Holy Father Names New Bishop of Jalapa, Guatemala

Reverend José Benedicto Moscoso Miranda

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The Holy Father has accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the diocese of Jalapa, Guatemala, presented by Bishop Julio Edgar Cabrera Ovalle.

The Pope has appointed as bishop of Jalapa, Guatemala, the Reverend José Benedicto Moscoso Miranda, of the clergy of the same diocese, parish priest of “La Sagrada Familia” parish, member of the college of consulters and vicar forane.

Reverend José Benedicto Moscoso Miranda

Reverend José Benedicto Moscoso Miranda was born on 7 July 1959 in San Luis Jilotepeque, diocese of Jalapa in Guatemala. Before entering the seminary he studied accounting and then philosophy with the La Salle Brothers. After entering the seminary he studied theology at the Salesian Theological Institute of Guatemala. He was ordained a priest on 3 January 1987.

During his priestly ministry, he served as a parish priest in various parishes, diocesan bursar and member of the presbyteral council. He is currently parish priest of “La Sagrada Familia”, member of the college of consultors, member of the economic council and vicar forage of the “El Progreso” pastoral zone.

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