
Articles By Redacción zenit

From the Colosseum in Rome Pope Francis Warns Against Use of Atomic Weapons

“This evening, amid the silence of prayer, we have heard that plea for peace: a peace suppressed in so many areas of the world, violated by all too many acts of violence, and denied even to children and the elderly, who have not been spared the bitter sufferings of war,” said the Pope in his address during the International Prayer Meeting on the theme ”The Plea for Peace: Religions and Cultures in Dialogue.”

Cardinal Pietro Parolin’s  “Lectio Magistralis” to EWTN on Communication, Truth and Communion

“It is good that they feel that they are an active part of the life of the Church, first of all by living in a spirit of communion with the Bishop of Rome. This is all the more urgent today in a time marked by overly-dramatic debates, also within the Church, which do not even spare the person and the Magisterium of the Pontiff,” said the Vatican Secretary of State in his address to EWTN.