Eucharist / Pixabay CC0 - RobertCheaib, Public Domain

What Do The New Norms Given by The Vatican Change About the Approval of Marian Apparitions?

Sister Daniela said that “the new norms are useful for Bishops, in the first place, because the more detailed norms make it possible to guide better the path of discernment that the Prelates are called to follow, in communion with the Dicastery. To add to the ‘nihil obstat’ the declaration ‘of supernaturalness,’ “underscores that these phenomena do not become objects of faith, that is, they are not binding for believers. This error has been registered especially in some parts of the world,” she said.

Germany: research reveals that young clergy are conservative and opposed to ecclesiastical progressivism

Titled «Who Will Be a Priest?», the study delves into the origins and motivations of current priests. Commissioned by the German Bishops’ Conference (DBK) Commission for Priestly Vocations and Ecclesial Services, the research engaged 847 men ordained between 2010 and 2021, as well as 1,668 men who left seminary during their training.

How the Media (and Trudeau) Deceived Us About 215 Children Buried in Catholic Residential Schools in Canada

In 2021 the commotion over the announcement: «Bodies of indigenous children buried anonymously.» Trudeau demanded an apology from the Pope. But to date no excavation has been successful. The first, who spoke of covered tombs, adjusts his tone: «anomalies possibly due to the movement of roots.» Meanwhile, ninety-six churches across the country have been burned or desecrated