Church in Colombia Calls for Return to Peace Talks

BOGOTA, Colombia, FEB. 26, 2002 ( The Catholic bishops´ conference appealed for a return to talks with guerrillas as the only way to resolve the country´s conflict. But it said it «respected and supported» President Andrés Pastrana´s immediate decision to break the peace process.

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«We continue to be firm in the conviction that dialogue and negotiation are the ways to overcome the conflicts and establish a culture of peace,» a statement issued by the episcopal conference explained.

«We are following closely the development of events and offer our services to support the new initiatives that might be considered useful at present or in the near future,» the statement said.

For now, Church officials are supporting Pastrana´s decision last Wednesday to end the dialogue process.

«In a state of law such as ours, it is necessary to close ranks to defend our legitimate authorities and support the institutions that safeguard the life and honor of Colombians,» the episcopate said.

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