Pope Condemns Bomb Blasts in India

NEW DELHI, India, NOV. 2, 2005 (Zenit.org).- Benedict XVI has condemned the bomb blasts in New Delhi that killed 59 people and injured more than 200 last Saturday, the Indian bishops’ conference reported.

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In a letter to the bishops’ conference dated Monday and announced today, the apostolic nunciature in India conveyed the Pope’s message of condolence at the explosions in Delhi and the train accident in Andhra Pradesh, which claimed 115 lives.

The Holy Father said in his letter that he «learned with sadness of the death and destruction caused by the violent explosions in New Delhi and by the train derailment near Veligonda, Nellore district.»

He also conveyed to the religious and civil authorities of India his sympathy and concern. He offered «heartfelt condolences» to the victims’ families while «prayerfully commending the victims to the eternal mercies of Almighty God.»

Invoking «an abundance of divine blessings upon all associated with the search and rescue operations and the work of rebuilding,» the Pontiff «firmly condemned all recourses to terrorist violence as a crime against humanity.»

Benedict XVI called upon «all men and women of good will to cooperate in rejecting hatred in all its forms and help build a society of justice, solidarity and peace.»

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