Pope Prays for Salesian Superior

VATICAN CITY, NOV. 12, 2008 (Zenit.org).- Benedict XVI asked for an «effusion of divine grace» for the new superior-general of Salesian sisters at the end of today’s general audience.

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The Pope greeted Mother Yvonne Reungoat and some 190 women religious of the Salesian Sisters of Don Bosco Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, who are nearing the end of their general chapter in Rome.

«Dear sisters: I unite myself with joy to your gratitude to God for the gifts received in these months, during which you have reflected together on the present and future of your institute,» the Holy Father said. «I invoke a renewed effusion of divine grace over the new superior-general and her council, as well as over the whole general congregation, so that you can enthusiastically continue your apostolic mission.

«May Sts. John Bosco and Maria Mazzarello and all the saints and blessed of the great Salesian family obtain for you the gift of a joyful adherence to the evangelical counsels that is ever more fruitful.»

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