Pope To Youth: Make Unity Prayer an Attitude

VATICAN CITY, JAN. 20, 2010 (Zenit.org).- Benedict XVI is exhorting young people, the ill and newlyweds to make this week’s prayer for Christian unity turn into an attitude for life.

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The Pope said this today when he concluded the general audience with his customary greeting for these special groups.

«I would like to exhort [you] to translate the prayer for Christian unity into concrete attitudes,» he said. «These days of reflection constitute for you, dear young people, an invitation to be agents of peace and reconciliation in all places; for you, dear sick people, a propitious moment to offer your sufferings for an ever fuller communion of Christians; and for you, dear newlyweds, the occasion to live yet more fully your special vocation with only one heart and one soul.»

The traditional Week of Prayer for Christian Unity began Monday and concludes Jan. 25, feast of the Conversion of St. Paul.

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