Holy See Reaches Agreement With Mozambique

VATICAN CITY, DEC. 9, 2011 (Zenit.org).- The Vatican announced today that the Holy See has reached an agreement with Mozambique, clarifying matters such as the Church’s juridical status, and canonical marriage.

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The Secretariat of State published a communiqué regarding the Wednesday signing of an agreement between the two states, which took place at Mozambique’s Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation.

«The agreement, the first of its type signed by a southern  African country, consolidates the existing links of friendship and collaboration between the two Parties,» the communiqué explained. «It is composed of a Preamble and 23 Articles, which regulate various aspects, including the juridical status of the Catholic church in Mozambique, the recognition of academic qualifications and canonical marriage, and the fiscal regime.»

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