Archbishop Giovanni Angelo Becciu's Address At Funeral for Sardinian Flood Victims

«The Pope entrusts to the Holy Virgin of Bonaria All the Persons and Families Involved in this Very Painful Trial»

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Here is a translation of the words spoken by Archbishop Giovanni Angelo Becciu, Substitute of the Secretariat of State, at the conclusion of the funeral rites for some of the victims of the flood in Sardinia, which took place this afternoon at 3:30 pm at the Geovillage Sports Stadium of Olbia.

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Your Excellency,


Distinguished Authorities,

Dear Faithful,

As a son of this land, I unite myself with profound affection to the prayer of suffrage for these brothers and sisters torn from their families by a cruel death. With profound fraternal solidarity, I share the sufferings and hardships of the many families who have been left without a home and deprived of their dearest things. I share with all Sardinians the legitimate expectations and hopes for a more secure and serene future.

At this time of sorrow, the Holy Father wishes to manifest through me his supportive presence and the expression of his heartbroken participation in this calamity that has struck our beloved land of Sardinia. Pope Francis is spiritually present in our midst to share your anguish, to invite everyone to hope without yielding to distress, to hope profoundly that the respect for nature and the necessary care of the territory will be able to avoid similar devastating tragedies in future.

His Holiness wishes to encourage organisations, ecclesial and private, which have already carried out first aid to continue their generous commitment to alleviate the situations of great difficulty that remain.

He is particularly close to the victims, but especially to all of you who mourn your dear ones, and he implores from God eternal repose for their souls. The Pope entrusts to the Holy Virgin of Bonaria all the persons and families involved in this very painful trial, so that through Her maternal intercession, the Lord will dry every tear and soothe every wound. His Holiness sends wholeheartedly to each one of you a special, comforting Apostolic Blessing.

[Original text: Italian] [Translation by ZENIT]
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