Today, Pope Francis appointed Bishop William Terrence McGrattan, auxiliary of Toronto, Canada, as bishop of Peterborough, Ontario.
Pope Benedict XVI had appointed Bishop McGrattan in November of 2009 as one of two auxiliary bishops for the Diocese of Toronto.
Responsible for a region of Ontario that has over 70 parishes, Bishop McGrattan also served as a liason in various Catholic associations in the realms of health, religious and family life education, and Catholic school chaplains.
He also served as vicar for lay movements and vicar for ethnic communities.
His new appointment of Peterborough is a city with a population of some 437,000 people, served by just over 80 priests, eight permanent deacons, and some 100 religious.
Bishop McGratten succeeds Bishop Nicola De Angelis, whose resignation upon reaching the age limit was accepted by the Holy Father. (D.C.L.)