Pope Francis has personally inscribed the copy of his new book «Dear Pope Francis» which was given to the Vatican-owned Bambino Gesù Children’s hospital, reported Vatican Radio.
The book’s dedication reads: «To all the children of the Hospital Child Jesus and to those who lovingly provide care for them.»
Jesuit Father Antonio Spadaro, who helped Francis prepare his answers to the questions sent to him by children from around the world, and Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi, director of the Holy See Press Office, attended the book presentation at the hospital.
«In essence,» Mariella Enoc, the president of the hospital said, «we are the hospital of the Pope, and our children – we can say – are the children of the Pope!
«How often our doctors, our nurses, our volunteers have to answer the children’s questions, which are often difficult or tragic. Perhaps the Pope’s answers can also help us,» she said.
In addition to the copy that Pope Francis signed, the publisher donated 500 additional copies to the hospital.

Dear Pope Francis screenshot
Pope Signs Book for Sick Children
Francis Personally Inscribes Copy of His New Book «Dear Pope Francis» Which Was Given to Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital