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Bishops of Colombia: Joy over the Beatification of the Martyrs and Hope that They Will Help the Peace

Final Message of the Episcopate’s 103rd Plenary Assembly

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At the close of their 103rd Plenary Assembly, the Bishops of Colombia expressed their joy over the news of the official declaration of the martyrdom of Monsignor Jesus Emilio Jaramillo Monsalve, Xaverian missionary of Yarumal, and of Father Pedro Maria Ramirez Ramos, event that leads to their Beatification. 
We elevate our thanksgiving and glorify God because He gives the Church in Colombia these fruits of holiness and testimony of their life, faithful to the Gospel, in very difficult moments of the history of our country,” stated the press release. 
Likewise, they expressed their happiness over the recognition of the heroic virtues of the Servant of God Monsignor Ismael Perdomo Borrero. 
“They put in the first place the love of God and of brothers and pastoral zeal for the people the Lord entrusted to them, to the point of giving their life. They have become models of the following of Christ in all moments and circumstances, also when evil, hatred and violence must be overcome by the strength of goodness,” they said. 
Finally, the Colombian Bishops mentioned their expectation to know and announce the day, date and place of the Beatification of the Colombian martyrs. “From now on we elevate prayers to the Lord through the intercession of both so that Colombia will attain reconciliation and peace and so that all Catholics, priests, Religious and laity, living holily our Christian vocation, sow also in this hour of our homeland the values of the Gospel,” they added. 
The reading of the final message of the 103rd Plenary Assembly of the Episcopate  was presented today during  press conference presided over by the Archbishop of Medellin, Monsignor Ricardo Tobon Restrepo; the Bishop of Garzon, Monsignor Fabio Duque Jaramillo and the Bishop of Arauca, Monsignor Jaime Munoz Pedroza.
During the Episcopate’s 103rd Plenary Assembly, the Bishops analyzed Pope Francis’ forthcoming visit to their country, and elected the new officers for the triennial 2017-2020.
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Anne Kurian-Montabone

Laurea in Teologia (2008) alla Facoltà di teologia presso l'Ecole cathedrale di Parigi. Ha lavorato 8 anni per il giornale settimanale francese France Catholique" e participato per 6 mese al giornale "Vocation" del servizio vocazionale delle chiesa di Parigi. Co-autore di un libro sulla preghiera al Sacro Cuore. Dall'ottobre 2011 è Collaboratrice della redazione francese di Zenit."

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