Pope Francis offered a special thought to young people, the sick, and newlyweds during his November 15, 2017, General Audience in St. Peter’s Square. He noted that it is the Memorial of Saint Albert the Great.
«A thought goes to young people, the sick and newlyweds,» said the Holy Father. «Today we celebrate the Memorial of Saint Albert the GreatDear young people, reinforce your dialogue with God, seeking Him with commitment in every action of yours; dear sick, find comfort in reflection of the mystery of the cross of the Lord Jesus, which continues to illumine the life of every man; and you, dear newlyweds, make an effort to maintain a constant relationship with Christ, so that your love is ever more a reflection of that of God.»

General Audience © L'Osservatore Romano
Pope Greets Youth, Newlyweds and the Sick
Cites Model of Saint Albert the Great