Meetings In Vatican, Pope Will Receive 3 Victims of Abuse in Chile & Ask for Forgiveness, Suggestions
Meetings Inter-Korean Summit: Pope Appeals for 'Concrete Journey of Reconciliation'& 'Transparent Dialogue'
General Audience General Audience: Pope: Baptism, So We Can Live Fully New Life of Grace ‘We begin a journey of growth in faith and in Church’s sacramental life’ Apr 25, 2018 11:01 ZENIT Staff
Justice and Peace Archbishop Jurkovič: Development Must Stress Dignity, Solidarity Widening Economic and Social Gap Between ‘Haves’ And ‘Have-Nots’ Apr 25, 2018 02:13 ZENIT Staff
Persecuted Christians Holy See Warns: Peace Based on Fear an Illusion ‘Weapons of mass destruction, particularly nuclear weapons, create a false sense of security.’ Apr 25, 2018 01:28 Staff Reporter