«We can build peace in the whole world with these little things»: humility, gentleness, patience, assured Pope Francis at Mass on October 26, 2018, at Casa Santa Marta in the Vatican.
In his homily reported by Vatican News, the Pope meditated on the hymn to unity given by St. Paul in the first reading (Eph 4,1-6). The Christians of today and of today are «too busy» with their «internal struggles», the Pope lamented: they are «used to breathing the air of conflict» while «the arms career, the preparation wars, destruction, continue».
«Even the world institutions – we see it today – created with the best will to help the unity of humanity, peace, are trying not to reach an agreement,» he continued: «there is veto here, interest there … And they have trouble finding peace agreements. And during this time children have nothing to eat, they do not go to school, they are not educated, there are no hospitals because the war destroys everything. We have a tendency to destruction, to war, to disunity. It is the tendency that sows the enemy in our heart, the destroyer of humanity: the devil. »
Leave it alone, open your heart
Peace, unity, are built with «humility, gentleness, and patience,» said Pope Francis. «We who are accustomed to insulting … give up … open your heart. Can we make peace in the world with these three little things? Yes, it’s the way. Can we come to unity? Yes, this path: «humility, gentleness, and patience». And Paul continues with a very practical advice: «support one another with love». Let’s support each other. It is not easy, judgment always comes out, condemnation, which leads to separation, to distance … »
When members of the same family move away, «the devil is happy,» it is «the beginning of the war,» warned the pope who urged them to bear each other «because we all give reasons boredom because we are all sinners, we all have our faults «.
To conclude, the pope stopped on «the advice of Jesus» in the Gospel: «when you go with your adversary before the magistrate, while you are on the way do everything to arrange with him» ( Lk 12,54-59). «Make peace at first: it’s humility, it’s sweetness, it’s patience. We can build peace in the whole world with these little things because these attitudes are the attitude of Jesus: humble, gentle, he forgives everything. »
«The world today needs peace, he insisted, we need peace, our families need peace, our society needs peace. Let’s start at home to practice these simple things: patience, gentleness, humility. Let’s move on this path: always do unity, consolidate unity. May the Lord help us on this path. «

© Vatican Media
Santa Marta: Building Peace in the World with 'Three Little Things'