Exorcist. Photo: Catholic Review

Exorcists’ Response to First Public World Satanic Meeting To Be Held in Boston

The organizers of The Satanic Temple promote a great gathering from April 28 to 30, 2023.

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(ZENIT News / Rome, 04.23.2023).-The Archdiocese of Boston reported that the “SatanCon”convention will be held from April 28-30, 2023, in the Boston Marriott Copley Palace of this important American city. The convention’s organizers describe it as “the largest satanic gathering in history.”

In this connection, the International Association of Exorcists  has issued a positioning in which it highlights that “It’s very sad that all this takes place at Easter, but it does not seem accidental that the satanic event ends on the day that Walpurga Night begins and the Beltane pagan festival, dates that today’s satanism has appropriated from the ‘festive’ calendar.”

Under the motto “Hexennacht [German] Witches Night in Boston,” the conference organized by The Satanic Temple (TST), Massachusetts, includes conferences, round tables and shows on aberrant subjects geared to corrupt society, deny the Christian message of salvation, degrade the children of God’s condition of creatures and destroy the Christian faith. 

The organizers of The Satanic Temple (which is different from The Church of Satan), are promoting the large gathering at the end of April. These are their words: “Prepare for SatanCon 2023: ‘The Largest Satanic Gathering in History’ Comes to Boston,” adding that it’s already sold out. 

The International Association of Exorcists said that “on learning of this ominous and diabolic event, we want to call attention to what the Episcopal Conference of Massachusetts has indicated, in particular Cardinal Sean Patrick O’Malley’s call to prayer, namely, to pray in communion with all the faithful, in particular to pray together with those of Boston and of the State of Massachusetts.” 

Auxiliary Bishop Mark O’Connell of the Archdiocese of Boston, asked by Cardinal Sean O’Malley to give a response to the faithful, wrote  a letter in which he says, among other things: 

“It is important for the Archdiocese of Boston to have a response as many are disturbed by this; however, our response must be balanced and focused on prayer. The balance is between countering its intended evil effects, and, drawing attention to it and making it more prominent. To that end, we ask you to not organize or encourage any of your parishioners to go to the event to protest. It will only fuel the hate of those who support it and feed the media with images (. . . ) Rather than protesting in person, we hope to storm the Heavens with prayer . . . .

Every parish in the Archdiocese is asked to be especially vigilant during the month of April during the distribution of Holy Communion. It would be appropriate to place a discreet watcher during Masses to ensure that those receiving Holy Communion do so immediately so as to prevent anyone from confiscating that which we hold most precious lest the convention try to desecrate it. It would also be appropriate to have protection of our Tabernacles in our open Churches.”

Suggested finally is the Prayer to Saint Michael:

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle; be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray: and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust down to hell Satan and all the evil spirits who roam through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.


Translation of the Italian original by ZENIT’s Editorial Director.

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