After a warm greeting, Pope Francis talked with the Friars and expressed edifying and consoling words. Photo: Vatican Media

Pope’s Confessor Dies and Francis Goes to the Wake at 7:00 AM!

“To see the Pope today moved me profoundly, not only because of his presence, but because of his affectionate gesture to Friar Manuel,” he said. Although the loss of Friar Manuel is painful, the Community finds consolation in the certainty that he now watches over all from Heaven.

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(ZENIT News / Rome, 23.06.2024).- At dawn on June 21, the Franciscan Order lost Friar Manuel Blanco Rodríguez, Pope Francis’s Confessor and former Professor of Philosophy. A vigil over his body has been held since Friday, June 21, in the church of the Forty Martyrs and Saint Paschal Baylon in Trastevere. The funeral is taking place today, June 24, at 10:00 am in the same place.

Friar Massimo Fusarelli, Minister General of the Order of Minor Brothers, pointed out the deceased’s humility and mercy, attributes that defined Friar Manuel’s life. In the course of his long career, he carried out important roles, including Dean and Professor of Philosophy at the Pontifical University Antonianum

The surprise came on Sunday, June 23, with Pope Francis’ unexpected visit. “We had been notified that someone from the Papal Household would come, but we didn’t imagine it would be the Pope,” said Father José Manuel Sanchis Cantó. In the early hours of the morning, the Vatican Gendarmerie announced the Holy Father’s arrival. All the Friars gathered in the Sacristy next to Friar Manuel’s coffin.

After a warm greeting, Pope Francis talked with the Friars and expressed edifying and consoling words. “He spoke of Friar Manuel as a kind, merciful and affable man,” said Father José Manuel. The atmosphere was one of serenity and closeness. Subsequently they prayed the morning Lauds next to Friar Manuel’s body, with the Pope staying next to the coffin the whole time.

Father José Manuel recalled with emotion how Friar Manuel was chosen as the Pope’s Confessor, a relationship that strengthened over the years. “To see the Pope today moved me profoundly, not only because of his presence, but because of his affectionate gesture to Friar Manuel,” he said. Although the loss of Friar Manuel is painful, the Community finds consolation in the certainty that he now watches over all from Heaven.

At the end of the Angelus on Sunday, June 23, the Holy Father said publicly:

“Day before yesterday Father Manuel Blanco died, Franciscan who lived for forty-four years in the church of the Forty Martyrs and Saint Paschal Baylon of Rome. He was Superior, Confessor and man of advice. On remembering him, I would [also] like to remember the many Franciscan Brothers, Confessors, Preachers who honoured and honour the Church of Rome. Thank you to all of them!”

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