Musk’s painful experience will help to humanize the anguish and pain that many parents feel, who have lost their children to the ‘trans infection’

Musk’s painful experience will help to humanize the anguish and pain that many parents feel, who have lost their children to the ‘trans infection’ Photo: La Nacion

Musk’s Pain Over His Trans Son: “Killed by the Woke Virus”

In an interview with Jordan Peterson, Elon Musk explains that he was tricked by «experts» into allowing his son Xavier to take puberty-blocking hormones, ruining his life. And now the billionaire declares war on transsexualism.

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(ZENIT News / Rome, 28.07.2024).- The heart of a wounded father calls for justice for himself and for all. Elon Musk, one of the world’s richest men, is at war with the transgender ideology. In a recent interview — with renown Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson, persecuted in his country precisely for his opposition to the gender lies –, Musk confessed all his pain for having lost a child at the hands of the “trans sect.” Thus the multimillionaire broke the taboo of the progressive elites, which promote transsexualism in minors and other people, destroying families even more. It’s not often that one feels sympathy for a millionaire, but it’s difficult not to be moved when listening to Musk telling Peterson about the time he was “deceived” by alleged experts so that he would allow his son to become a “girl.”

With a clear lump in his throat from emotion, Musk said he was deceived so that he would “sign documents” for one of his children, Xavier, giving his parental consent for him to be given puberty supressing hormones. At 16, Musk’s son said he was transexual. Xavier put an end to all his relationships and also abandoned his Musk surname and adopted the name Wilson, the surname of the former wife of Tesla’s CEO, in June 2022. Xavier Musk became Vivian Jenna Wilson. Elon Musk, who already in 2023 said he did everything possible to contact his son (‘daughter’), but “she doesn’t want to spend time with me,” he said.

What Musk didn’t realize at the time is the puberty blockers are “in reality sterilizing medications.” The tycoon says that, as a result, he “has lost” his son, victim of the gender ideology. “My son, Xavier, is dead, killed by the virus of the woke mentality,” Strong words that will infuriate the LGBT lobby, but that also express the suffering of many parents that, outside the notoriety of the mass media circuits, who find that their daughter returns home from her first University course with bandaged breasts and an induced moustache by hormones, or see with anguish how their beloved son has become a pseudo-woman.

What supposedly led Musk to consent to the disfigurement and sterilization of his son was the fact that they assured him that his “son could commit suicide, if they impeded him from undergoing the transition. A lie because, as Peterson affirmed, no doctor of repute would ever say that there is a relation between keeping a child away from puberty blockers and a greater risk of suicide, rather, the scientific literature demonstrates the contrary.

Musk took seriously the challenge posed by the LGBT lobby, to the point that he has promised to “destroy the virus” of the woke culture, as he stated in the interview, in reference to his absorption of the former Twitter and its transformation into a much freer space than what it was under its former bosses, Jack Dorsey at the head, who imposed the censure of any criticism of the gender ideology.

Musk’s painful experience will help to humanize the anguish and pain that many parents feel, who have lost their children to the ‘trans infection’. A familiar experience that the liberal-social media doesn’t want to talk about, because the only acceptable message for them is the coming out of the closet of children and adolescents portrayed as transexuals and happy. A farcical game of post-truths or bold-face lies, in which any parent that is opposed to transsexualism runs the risk of being accused of intolerance and, in some cases, having the patria potestas taken from them or even being jailed. The puberty blocking and chemical and surgical “transition” of children, who in reality are healthy, is the lobotomy of the 21st century, supported by the dominant current.

Musk’s challenge to this ideological  cult, its “priests” and its rituals became a relentless fight at the beginning of this month, stating that he was moving the headquarters of his two main companies, X and Space X, from California to Texas, in reaction to the new legislation about gender identity for students. Gavin Newson, California’s Governor (guest of honour this month of May of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences), signed draft law 1955 of the Assembly, which prohibits school districts of the entire state from adopting policies that oblige informing parents if their child identifies as transsexual during the school hours. A text that is deployed to the LGBT ideology, taking away from parents a basic natural right. However, Musk’s commitment, joined to the evidence of the medical-scientific world, might well help to give a push to the transsexualism lie.

Translation of the Italian original by ZENIT’s Editorial Director and, into English, by Virginia M. Forrester.

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