Martin Selmayr, a seasoned German bureaucrat, has stepped into the role of European Union (EU) Ambassador to the Holy See.

Martin Selmayr, a seasoned German bureaucrat, has stepped into the role of European Union (EU) Ambassador to the Holy See. Photo:

A German is the new ambassador of the European Union to the Holy See

Martin Selmayr Takes the Helm as EU Ambassador to the Vatican: A Diplomatic Endeavor with Far-Reaching Implications

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(ZENIT News / Vatican City, 09.04.2024).- In a significant diplomatic move, Martin Selmayr, a seasoned German bureaucrat, has stepped into the role of European Union (EU) Ambassador to the Holy See. At 53, Selmayr brings a wealth of experience from his tenure within the European Commission, where he held influential positions that shaped the EU’s internal dynamics. His new role extends beyond the Vatican, as he will also represent the EU to the Sovereign Order of Malta, the Republic of San Marino, and key United Nations agencies based in Rome.

A Strategic Appointment in European Diplomacy

Selmayr’s appointment marks a strategic moment in his career, following his recent assignment as the European Commission’s representative in Austria. His impressive résumé includes serving as Chief of Staff to former European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and as Secretary-General of the Commission. These roles have provided Selmayr with an intricate understanding of the EU’s operational framework, knowledge that will be crucial as he navigates the complexities of his new diplomatic mission.

Prioritizing Global Stability and Sustainable Development

Upon assuming his duties, Selmayr emphasized his commitment to collaborating closely with the European team and the broader diplomatic community in Rome. His agenda is centered on reinforcing the international rules-based order, promoting global food security, and advancing sustainable development—key pillars that he sees as essential for fostering strong, collaborative relationships between the EU and the institutions under his jurisdiction.

Selmayr expressed his gratitude to Josep Borrell, the EU’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, and Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, for entrusting him with this critical responsibility. He highlighted the principles enshrined in the United Nations Charter as the foundation for his diplomatic efforts, signaling his intent to align the EU’s mission with these universal values. 


Following in the Footsteps of Alexandra Valkenburg

Selmayr succeeds Dutch diplomat Alexandra Valkenburg, who held the ambassadorial post since 2020. During her tenure, Valkenburg played a pivotal role in strengthening the ties between the EU and the Holy See, while also enhancing relationships with other entities within her diplomatic remit. Selmayr now inherits this legacy with a mandate to build on these achievements and to expand the EU’s influence in a rapidly evolving global landscape.

A Broad Diplomatic Portfolio

In addition to his responsibilities at the Vatican, Selmayr will serve as the EU’s envoy to critical UN agencies such as the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), and the World Food Programme (WFP). These organizations are at the forefront of the global fight against hunger and poverty, and Selmayr has identified their missions as central to his diplomatic agenda.

His appointment comes at a time when the European Union is seeking to bolster its global presence and enhance its capacity to address pressing issues like food security and sustainable development. With his extensive background and strategic insights, Selmayr is well-equipped to tackle the challenges of representing the EU in such a multifaceted and dynamic environment.

Strengthening EU-Vatican Relations

As Selmayr embarks on this new chapter, he faces the critical task of not only maintaining but also deepening the relationship between the European Union and the Holy See. This partnership is crucial as both entities share common values and are poised to confront global challenges through a unified approach. Selmayr’s role will be instrumental in ensuring that the EU and the Vatican continue to work together in promoting peace, justice, and sustainability on the world stage.

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Valentina di Giorgio

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