Yaron Sideman presented Pope Francis with his credentials, officially accrediting him as the Ambassador of the State of Israel to the Holy See.

Yaron Sideman presented Pope Francis with his credentials, officially accrediting him as the Ambassador of the State of Israel to the Holy See.

New Israeli ambassador to the Vatican presents himself to the Pope

His Excellency Mr. Yaron Sideman was born in Israel on 30 August 1967, and is married with two children.

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(ZENIT News / Vatican City, 09.19.2024).- On Monday, September 16, Israeli diplomat Yaron Sideman presented Pope Francis with his credentials, officially accrediting him as the Ambassador of the State of Israel to the Holy See.

«Today I had the honor and privilege of presenting my credentials to His Holiness Pope Francis in a friendly and welcoming atmosphere. Afterward, I had an open and productive meeting with His Eminence, Secretary of State Cardinal Parolin,» Sideman wrote on social media.


His Excellency Mr. Yaron Sideman was born in Israel on 30 August 1967, and is married with two children.

He has served in the embassy in Nigeria (1996-1999); as consul for Public Affairs, Consulate General in New York (1999-2001); at the World Jewish and Interreligious Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2001-2007); head of the Congressional Affairs Department, North America Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2007-2011); Israel Defense College (2011-2012); consul general, Consulate General at the Mid-Atlantic Region (2012-2016); office head, Congressional Affairs Department, North America Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2016-2021); and office head, North America Office, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2021-2024).

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