(ZENIT News – Contando Estrelas / Vigo, 31.01.2025).- On Thursday, January 23, the 47th President of the United States signed a new measure that merits the praise of the Pro-Life Movement: the presidential pardon for 23 defenders of life sentenced for expressing themselves against abortion in the vicinity of centers in which unborn babies are killed. These individuals were sentenced in virtue of the so-called FACE Law, “Freedom of Access to Entrances of Clinics and Places of Worship,” promulgated by Bill Clinton in 1994 to impede any protest in front of abortion centers, equating them with religious temples as well as equating the exercise of religious liberty with the act of killing the most innocent and defenseless.
It is a law that the Biden Administration used in an openly sectarian way to persecute pro-lifers for committing mere crimes of opinion, something proper to a dictatorship. Something that was foreseeable, taking into account Biden’s pro-abortion activism and that of the virtual totality of the Democratic Party, which has reached the extreme of defending infanticide against unborn children that survive an abortion.
Biden persecuted peaceful pro-lifers and ignored 436 violent attacks on churches. Peter Breen, Executive Vice-President of the Thomas More Society has denounced that “Biden’s attorneys ignored almost completely the incendiary bomb attacks and vandalism against hundreds of pro-life churches and pregnancy centers” (according to The Washington Stand in December, in 2013 there were 436 attacks on churches in the U.S. and not a single judicial prosecution for this). At the same time, Breen points out, those attorneys “ferociously. persecuted pro-life Americans, obtaining sentences against them in virtue of the Federal ‘FACE Law.” And this for participating in “mere peaceful civic disobedience, in the proclaimed tradition of activists of American civil rights.”
A Dictatorial Attitude That Even Scandalized Promoters of That Law
The radically biased use that Biden made of that Law to persecute pro-lifers caused scandal even among promoters of that Law, as pointed out in the LifeNews Website: According to the authors of the draft law, it was never thought that proscutions of that type would be carried out. During the debate about the 1994 law, deceased Senator Ted Kennedy assured voters that “if an individual violates this law for the first time, it’s not a serious crime.”
What Biden did was to criminalize the defense of life while the horrendous crime of abortion is promoted.