“The Catholic University College in Uzima was born of an idea of Emeritus Bishop Zacchaeus Okoth. Moved at the sight of needy suffering people, especially in the region of western Kenya, he decided to collect funds to build a medical center,” said Fr. Cosmas Rhagot K’Otienoh, Rector of Uzima University College, an institution founded in the Archdiocese of Kisumu and connected with the Catholic University of West Africa. His comments were published on December 15, 2018, by Fides News Agency.
The College has offered courses in medical training since 2012. The first group of medical doctors graduated in October this year.
“Our center is the first of its kind in Africa,” said Fr. Rhagot. “On August 27, 2012, it opened to accept the first 21 students. It was a humble beginning offering in degrees in medicine, surgery, and nursing.
“At the end of the first year we realized the need for other courses and so we added Bachelor of Science in Microbiology and Bachelor of Science in Clinical Medicine, divided into two courses: Diploma in Clinical Medicine, a three-year course and Bachelor in clinical medicine, four-year course. These new courses have increased the number of students anxious to specialize in other fields of medicine. We have also a Degree Course in Community Health and Nutrition.
“At present Uzima College has 603 students following the courses mentioned above. Our goal is to reach a total number of a thousand students and so we have invited AMECEA countries to send us students are interested in a career in medicine here in Uzima College.»
The Association of Member Episcopal Conferences of Eastern Africa (AMECEA) comprises the Catholic Bishops Conferences of Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia. Djibouti and Somalia are affiliated members.
© Fides
Kenya: Uzima Catholic University College Offers Medical Training
Center is First of its Kind in Africa