© Vatican Media

Angelus: Pope Greets Faithful in St. Peter’s Square

‘A Sign that in Italy the Acute Phase of the Epidemic has been Overcome’

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As much of the world slowly returns to «normal» in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, Pope Francis on June 7, 2020, greeted the faithful gather in St. Peter’s Square.

The Holy Father expressed his happiness at greeting the people in person rather than via a video feed from the Vatican’s Apostolic Library. However, he cautioned that the impact of the pandemic continues and many countries are still suffering terribly.

«I greet you all, Romans and pilgrims: the individual faithful, the families, and the Religious Communities. Your presence in the Square is a sign that in Italy the acute phase of the epidemic has been overcome, even if the necessity remains — but be careful, don’t sing victory too soon, don’t sing victory! — to follow carefully the current regulations, because they are rules that help us to avoid the virus going on,» the Holy Father said. «Thank God we are coming out of the strongest center, but always with the prescriptions, the Authorities give us.

«However, unfortunately, in other countries — I’m thinking of some of them — the virus is still causing so many victims. Last Friday, one died every minute in one country! Terrible. I wish to express my closeness to those populations, to the sick and to their family members, and to all those that take care of them. Let us get close to them with our prayer.»

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Jim Fair

Jim Fair is a husband, father, grandfather, writer, and communications consultant. He also likes playing the piano and fishing. He writes from the Chicago area.

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