© L'Osservatore Romano

Bangladesh: Pope Is Welcomed with Flowers, Dances and Color

Fourth Day of Pope Francis’ 21st Apostolic Journey

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Pope Francis arrived in Dhaka, capital of Bangladesh, becoming the second Pontiff to visit the country, after Saint John Paul II in 1986.
The Pope’s plane landed at Dhaka’s International Airport at 3:00 pm (10:00 am in Rome).
The President of the Republic of Bangladesh, Abdul Hamid, welcomed the Holy Father on his arrival.
During the welcome ceremony, two children dressed in the country’s typical costumes gave the Pontiff flowers and a jar of earth, which the Pope blessed.
Some political and civil Authorities of Bangladesh were present, as well as a group of faithful and 40 children who danced a traditional dance.
As is usual in the Pontiff’s Apostolic Journeys, he was given military honors and hymns were played. Then the respective delegations were introduced.
At the end of the meeting, the Pope took his leave amid traditional dances. He then went to the Monument of National Martyrs of Savar.
Translation by Virginia M. Forrester

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Rosa Die Alcolea

Profesional con 7 años de experiencia laboral en informar sobre la vida de la Iglesia y en comunicación institucional de la Iglesia en España, además de trabajar como crítica de cine y crítica musical como colaboradora en distintos medios de comunicación. Nació en Córdoba, el 22 de octubre de 1986. Doble licenciatura en Periodismo y Comunicación Audiovisual en Universidad CEU San Pablo, Madrid (2005-2011). Ha trabajado como periodista en el Arzobispado de Granada de 2010 a 2017, en diferentes ámbitos: redacción de noticias, atención a medios de comunicación, edición de fotografía y vídeo, producción y locución de 2 programas de radio semanales en COPE Granada, maquetación y edición de la revista digital ‘Fiesta’. Anteriormente, ha trabajado en COPE Córdoba y ABC Córdoba.

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