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Pope Repeats Call to End Human Trafficking

World Day Against the Trafficking of Persons

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Pope Francis on July 29, 2018, repeated his plea for an end to human trafficking, noting that Monday, July 30, is World Day Against the Trafficking of Persons, promoted by the United Nations.
His comments came after praying the noonday Angelus with a crowd of some 25,000 pilgrims in St. Peter’s Square. He had strong words on the subject:
«This plague reduces many men, women, and children to slavery for the purpose of labor and sexual exploitation, the sale of organs, of vagrancy and forced delinquency, also here, in Rome. Migration routes are also often used by traffickers and exploiters, to recruit new victims of trafficking. It’s the responsibility of all to denounce the injustices and to oppose firmly this shameful crime.»
© Libreria Editrice Vatican

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