LATEST NEWS Philippines: Franciscans Commit to Explaining ‘Laudato Si’ Oct 07, 2015 12:56 ZENIT Staff
Justice and Peace Bishops Welcome Republican Resolution on Dialogue, Teamwork Regarding Climate Change
Local Church Filipino Bishops Back Laudato Si' With Statement «Stewards, Not Owners» says it is a Christian obligation to be concerned with ecology and with climate change Jul 21, 2015 18:40 ZENIT Staff
Justice and Peace Laudato Si’ and the Social Mortgage Environmental Encyclical Underscores Importance of the “Golden Rule of Social Conduct” Jul 02, 2015 19:30
Spirituality Pope's Secretary of State Looks at 3 Areas for Understanding Laudato Si' Cardinal Parolin’s Address to «People and Planet First» Conference Jul 02, 2015 19:08 ZENIT Staff
Spirituality Cardinal Turkson's Address to UN on Climate Change: Minds and Hearts Are What Most Need Change Says scientific conclusions need to ‘touch us deeply’ so we ‘see and hear how the poor suffer and how the earth is being mistreated’ Jul 01, 2015 16:20 ZENIT Staff