Papal Address at Midday Angelus

The Rediscovery of the Rosary

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VATICAN CITY, OCT. 14, 2001 ( Here is a translation of John Paul II´s address before the midday Angelus.

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Dearest Brothers and Sisters!

1. Last Sunday we celebrated the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. The whole month of October is dedicated to this beautiful prayer, very dear to Christian peoples. Given the present international situation, I have invited individuals and communities to pray the rosary for peace. I also renew this appeal today, underlining at the same time that the rosary is the contemplation of Christ in his mysteries, in close union with Mary Most Holy.

Contemporary spirituality feels the intense need, so to speak, to focus on the essential. Because of this, there is at present a promising rediscovery of the true nature of the rosary, as a prayer that helps to be in Christ´s company, to know him better, absorb his teachings, and live the mystery. And who, better than Mary, can accompany us in this journey of the mind and heart? This is the meaning of the repetition of the «Hail Mary,» which «constitutes the scheme on which the contemplation of the mysteries develops» (apostolic exhortation «Marialis Cultus,» 77).

May a constant invocation for peace rise in the Church with the praying of the rosary, either individually or in community, keeping our gaze fixed on Jesus Christ, our peace.

2. The recitation of the rosary used to be very much practiced in families, especially at the end of the day. This is what the spouses Luigi and Maria Beltrame Quattrocchi did daily, whom next Sunday I will have the joy of proclaiming blessed.

On that occasion, which coincides with the 20th anniversary of the apostolic exhortation «Familiaris Consortio,» the Italian Church has called a congress on the topic «The Family: Social Subject.» I express my appreciation for this initiative and I hope that the family will once again be central to Italian society.

Next Saturday afternoon, Christian families are invited to a gathering for reflection and prayer in St. Peter´s Square. The next day, Sunday, coinciding with World Missions Day, the culminating moment will take place with the solemn beatification of the two spouses. It will be an apt occasion to highlight the role of families in the Church´s mission of evangelization.

3. While we recite the Angelus prayer together, let us remember the assembly of the Synod of Bishops, which is being held in the Vatican. We entrust to the Virgin all missionaries of the Gospel and implore for them the strength to be builders of justice and peace. Such prayer for peace is taking place throughout the world, at this time burdened by grave concerns. Let us join in fervent prayer to the Lord through the intercession of Mary, Queen of Peace.

[Translation by ZENIT]

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