British Religious Leaders Doubt Legitimacy of an Attack on Iraq

Cardinal Murphy-O’Connor and Anglican Archbishop Issue Joint Statement

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LONDON, FEB. 19, 2003 ( The primate of the Catholic Church of England and Wales and the Anglican archbishop of Canterbury published a joint statement acknowledging doubts about the moral legitimacy of an attack on Iraq.

The statement was signed by Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor, archbishop of Westminster, and Anglican Archbishop Rowan Williams of Canterbury after a private meeting a few days ago.

«War is always a deeply disturbing prospect; one that can never be contemplated without a sense of failure and regret that other means have not prevailed, and deep disquiet about all that may come in its train,» they say.

«We are very conscious of the huge burden of responsibility carried by those who must make the ultimate decision in these matters. They are daily in our thoughts and prayers, as are all those who would find themselves caught up directly or indirectly in a war,» the statement continues.

«The events of recent days show that doubts still persist about the moral legitimacy, as well as the unpredictable humanitarian and political consequences, of a war with Iraq,» they add.

«We recognize that the moral alternative to military action cannot be inaction, passivity, appeasement or indifference,» they stress. «It is vital therefore that all sides in this crisis engage, through the United Nations — fully and urgently — in a process, including continued weapons inspections, that could and should render the trauma and tragedy of war unnecessary.»

«We strongly urge the government of Iraq to demonstrate forthwith its unequivocal compliance with UN resolutions on weapons of mass destruction,» they add.

«The season of Lent is now approaching, a time when all Christian traditions encourage us to examine ourselves honestly, to acknowledge our shortcomings and to seek reconciliation with God,» the statement says. «We must hope and pray that with God’s guidance, an outcome which brings peace with justice to Iraq and the Middle East, may yet be found.»

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