Church Dedicated to a Heroic Mom

ROME, FEB. 2, 2004 ( A church dedicated to Blessed Gianna Beretta Molla, the mother who accepted death rather than endanger her unborn daughter, was inaugurated over the weekend.

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The Vicariate of Rome said that the new church will «serve as a subsidiary center for worship» for part of the territory of the Parish of St. Giorgio in Acilia.

The project is part of the program «Fifty Churches for Rome in the Third Millennium.» The church, located in a developing neighborhood, will help serve 2,000 people.

Molla (1922-1962) refused a cancer operation rather than submit her unborn daughter to danger. A pediatrician, Molla knew the risks involved to herself.

Last December, in the presence of the Pope, the Congregation for Sainthood Causes proclaimed the recognition of a miracle attributed to the intercession of Molla, opening the way for her canonization.

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