Mass to Mark Anniversary of John Paul II's Death

VATICAN CITY, MARCH 23, 2010 ( Benedict XVI will preside next week at a Mass marking the fifth anniversary of the death of Pope John Paul II.

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The Mass will be held March 29 instead of the actual date of the Pope’s death, the Vatican reported, because April 2 falls on Good Friday.

During the prayers of the faithful, this petition will be offered in Polish: «For the Venerable Pope John Paul II, who served the Church to the limit of his strength: So that from heaven he intercedes to spread the hope that is realized by fully participating in the glory of the resurrection.»

In German, a petition will be offered for Benedict XVI, «so that he follows in the steps of Peter, carrying out his ministry with docile and firm perseverance to sustain the faithful.»

A petition in Spanish will pray for «those here united to remember Pope John Paul II: So that we know to love and serve the Church as he loved and served, giving testimony in the faith of God and offering his love to all.»

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