In this “man’s world,” the least men can do is give women the right to choose. Right?

In a world where women still earn less than men, have less political representation, the least men can do is give us the right to an abortion. And any man who wants to take that away must be backward and anti-woman.

This is the current culture’s attitude about women’s rights.

But the men of Benedictine College on the 2013 March for Life represented a different perspective.

“I love these women so much,” said senior Danny Zink. “We can stop these women from having abortions just by loving each other.”

Zink was referring to the women who marched Friday representing the group “Silent No More” and courageously carried signs saying, “I regret my abortion.”

He was one of more than 10 men on Bus 5 who opened up to share testimonies and stories on the ride home from the March.

The men’s witnesses to love for these women goes against the culture’s belief that men are apathetic about women’s rights. Instead, they care so much about a woman that they don’t want her to make the wrong choice.

Another man on the bus mentioned that Benedictine’s group was almost two-thirds women, showing that the pro-life movement is not primarily male.

I’m not sure what’s more impressive: the number of women who stand up for life, or the caliber of men who stand up for the women.

Instead of throwing chemicals at a woman to suppress her natural femininity, ambushing her with tips on how to achieve perfection, and telling her she can do whatever she wants with her body without consequences, let’s love her.

Thank you men for reminding us that this is our first priority.

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Makena Clawson is a sophomore at Benedictine College in Atchinson, Kansas, majoring in Spanish and journalism. She is from Denver, Colorado.