Daily Homily: On the Third Day I Accomplish My Purpose

Thursday of the 30th Week in Ordinary Time, Year Two

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Ephesians 6:10-20
Psalm 144:1b,2,9-10
Luke 13:31-55

In the Gospel, Jesus demonstrates that he is fully aware of Herod’s plans, as well as those of the chief priests, scribes, elders and pharisees. He alludes to his imminent death in Jerusalem as well as to the third day of his Resurrection.

During his public ministry Jesus preached about the Kingdom of God, cast out demons and healed the sick. His mission, though, will culminate in Jerusalem in a few months. He knows that he will return to Jerusalem for the Passover. On that day, Palm Sunday, the crowds will cry out: «Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord». They will recognize him as royal savior.

Just as the people of Israel refused to heed the word of the prophets, they will refuse to listen to Jesus, who brings a divine message of love, compassion, mercy and salvation. Jesus says that he desires to gather the people under his arms and he will do this on the Cross. His arms will stretch out and he will embrace us.

Jesus fights against evil, sin and death. He is a mighty warrior, clothed in the armor of God. Today, Saint Paul encourages us to draw strength from God in our fight against evil. The armor we will put on in our fight is not made of steel or leather. Just as the Kingdom of God is not a matter of food and drink, but rather of peace, righteousness and justice, so too the armor of God is one of truth, righteousness, good news, faith, salvation, and fortitude.

God is our Rock, God is the one who trains us for battle. God is our fortress of mercy, our stronghold of deliverance, our trustworthy shield. We are under God’s care in all we do. He guides us as we proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom of God.

Our mission against evil and our mission to extend the Kingdom, must be sustained by prayer in the Spirit. We should not trust in our own strength or armor, nor should we proclaim our own set of truths. Rather, we rely on the help and power of the Holy Spirit; we are protected and guided by our God, and we seek proclaim the truth of Jesus Christ, so that all men and women may welcome the word of the Kingdom and in turn become soldiers for Christ.

Readers may contact Fr Jason Mitchell at mitchelljason2011@gmail.com.

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Jason Mitchell

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