Below is a ZENIT translation of Pope Francis’ remarks after the Angelus prayer Sunday at noon to the faithful in St. Peter’s Square:
After the Angelus:
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
The pain of the massacre Thursday evening in Nice, in which many innocent lives were ‘mowed down,’ including many children, is alive in our hearts. I am close to each family and the entire French nation in mourning. May God, the good Father, welcome all the victims into His peace, sustain the injured and comfort their families; May He dissolve every project of terror and death, so that man no longer dares to spill his brother’s blood. A fatherly and brotherly embrace to all the inhabitants of Nice and the whole French nation. And now, all together, please, thinking about this massacre, its victims, their families, let us pray in silence ….
Ave Maria …
I greet with affection all of you, the faithful of Rome and of various countries. In particular, I greet those from Ireland, especially those pilgrims from the Dioceses of Armagh and Derry, and the candidates for the Permanent Diaconate in the Diocese of Elphin, with their wives.
I greet the rector and students of their second year of the ‘San Pio X’ Pontifical Theological Seminary Calabro; the young people of Spinadesco (Diocese of Cremona); the youth of the Pastoral Community of the Holy Apostles in Milan; the altar servers of Postioma and Porcellengo (Diocese of Treviso). And I see there are many brave Chinese brothers: a big hello to you, Chinese people!
I wish you all a good Sunday. Please do not forget to pray for me. Good lunch and goodbye.
[Original text: Italian]
[Translation by Deborah Castellano Lubov]

Pope's Appeals, Greetings After Angelus
‘It is alive in our hearts the pain of the massacre, Thursday evening in Nice, in which many innocent lives were ‘mowed down’, even many children. I am close to each family and the entire French nation in mourning.’