“A miracle,” said Asia Bibi — the woman sentenced to death for blasphemy — to Aid to the Church in Need (ACN), commenting on the decision of the Multan prison, in Pakistan, where she is held at present, to allow her to have the Rosary that Pope Francis gave her. “It’s the first time in nine years that they allow me to have a religious object in the cell.”
Last March 12, Asia Bibi was able to meet with her husband, Ashiq, and her daughter, Eisham, on the return from their trip to Italy with ACN, during which the Pontiff received them in private audience. On that occasion, the Pope gave Eisham an extra Rosary to take to her mother, and assured her of his prayers. Eisham recounted to her mother the touching words of the Pope and described their emotional meeting, in the course of which the young girl embraced the Pope on behalf of her mother, as the latter had requested.
“I receive this gift with devotion and gratitude. This Rosary will be of great consolation to me, just as it comforts me to know that the Holy Father prays for me and thinks of me in these difficult conditions,” said Asia.
Moreover, the daughter and husband described to Asia the evening of February 24, when ACN illuminated the Colosseum in red in memory of the Christian martyrs, and remembered her in a particular way through the testimony of her dear ones. “The international attention on my case is fundamental for me. In fact, it’s because of it that I’m still alive. Thank you ACN for all that you do, not only for me, but for all the other victims of the anti-blasphemy law, whose abuse strikes especially the religious minorities.”

Vatican Media Screenshot
Asia Bibi: 'Now I Will Finally Be Able to Pray with the Rosary the Pope Gave Me'
Asia Bibi Thanks Aid to the Church in Need for Their Help