During this morning’s General Audience, the Pope welcomed the participants in UNIV’s International Congress, on the 50th anniversary of its foundation.
“I exhort all to live the years of university formation as an integral preparation in the service of man, giving witness of it in joy and the values of the faith,” said the Holy Father.
“Rethink the Future”
Pope Francis so greeted the hundreds of young people taking part this year in UNIV, an event promoted by the Opus Dei Prelature, whose theme proposed for this year’s activities of reflection and debate is “Rethink the Future.”
Promoted in the beginning by Saint Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer, UNIV includes various activities in which the participants exchange ideas on social, political and cultural problems and take part in the religious events proper to Holy Week, in relevant places for the Christian faith, informed the Opus Dei Prelature.
The General Audience with the Holy Father, the Via Crucis at the Colosseum and visits in the artistic and cultural steps of the first Christians form part of this experience.
On this occasion, the young people will give the Pontiff the proceeds of a collection they undertook for social initiatives and a mosaic of the Virgin “Mater Ecclesiae” (Mother of the Church) for Syria’s Christians.

Copyright - Vatican Media
UNIV: Pope Exhorts for 'Integral Preparation in the Service of Man'
UNIV Celebrates Its 50th Anniversary This Year