Pope Francis © Vatican Media
Pope to Make 2 Early May Visits, Including Sanctuary of Divine Love to Open Marian Month
Also Will Visit Tor Vergata for Meeting of Neocatechumenal Way
Early this May, Pope Francis will visit both the Sanctuary of Divine Love and Tor Vergata.
Director of the Holy See Press Office, Greg Burke, announced the visit in a statement today, April 10, 2018.
«Pope Francis,» the statement notes, «will go to the Shrine of Divine Love on May 1st, at 5 pm, for the recitation of the Holy Rosary at the opening of the Marian month.»
«Moreover, Saturday, May 5, at 11 am,» it adds, «the Pope will preside at the Tor Vergata meeting with the Neocatechumenal Way, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the beginning of the «Cammino» in Rome.»