«There is no discouragement. The proclamation of the Gospel involves risks. But let us pray for the return of security,» said Fr. Isidore Sola Nombré, Director of the Pontifical Mission Societies of Burkina Faso-Niger, referring to the serious emergency affecting the Sahelian regions of Burkina Faso due to the presence of jihadist groups. His comments were reported on February 22, 2019, by Fides News Agency.
One of these groups was responsible for the death of Fr. Antonio César Fernández Fernández, a Spanish Salesian missionary, killed on February 15, 2019, forty kilometers from the border with Ghana and Togo, in an area so far spared by jihadist violence. Despite the difficulties experienced by the two Countries (even Niger suffers the aggression of jihadist groups), the PMS intend to continue their mission of proclaiming the Gospel. For this reason, the Pontifical Mission Societies have promoted the meeting which began on February 18 and ended February 22, in Koudougou, 120 km west of the capital, Ouagadougou.
The meeting served to prepare the meeting of the African PMS to be held from February 25 to 4 March in Kigali, Rwanda, in view of the Extraordinary Missionary Month of October 2019. At the meeting in Koudougou all diocesan directors and parish commissions will participate to determine the activities of the year 2019-2020 and take stock of the latest events.
«The covers of documents to be printed for future activities are chosen a year before,» said Fr. Nombre. In Burkina, the PMS publish textbooks such as the missionary song, the liturgical calendar and posters. The management also produces digital media for formation in the dioceses and for the animation of media programs. The posters and manuals are available in two of the main local languages: Mooré and Dioula.
According to management data, 5,866 posters, 1,8071 manuals, and 27,359 calendars were used for the animation of the Pontifical Society for the Propagation of the Faith. For the week of Missionary Childhood, 5271 pamphlets were printed, while for the Consecrated Life Day 1,103 guides were produced. Finally, the Pontifical Society of Saint Peter the Apostle has programmed the distribution of 3,687 documents.

© Fides
Burkina Faso: PMS Prepares for Extraordinary Missionary Month
‘There is no discouragement. The proclamation of the Gospel involves risks.’