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Mystery of Mary

Articles from January 2, 2019

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FORUM: The Mystery of Mary, the Mother of God

Fr Steve Grunow Reminds: ‘No one else is or will ever be the Mother of God. No one else knows Christ as God in the manner that the Blessed Virgin Mary did’

Surprise Stop: Pope Goes to His Friend’s Funeral in Rome

Before New Year, Made Surprise Stopover to Remember Professor Maria Grazie Mara

Pope Francis’ Prayer Intention for the Month of January 2020

‘In this month of January, we can take up the prayer of Saint Francis: Lord, make us instruments of your peace, that it may give a new light to our whole year’

Tony Pereira, the “Master Chef” in Venezuela Distributing Food

Testimony in Aid to the Church in Need

The Witness of Martyrs: 29 Missionaries Killed Worldwide in 2019

According to Fides

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