FBI. Photo: Telenoticias

USA: 20 Prosecutors Against the FBI for Harassment and Prejudice Against Catholics

The case of the FBI’s Memorandum against Catholics that go to Mass in Latin continues to make news. Prosecutors of 20 Federal States wrote Attorney General Merrick Garland to demand that Federal Agents and President Biden stop attacking Americans for their beliefs. 

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Por: Luca Volonte

(ZENIT News – The Daily Compass / Washington, DC, 15.02.2023).- Less than seven days before the US Congress’ Sub-Committee — which will investigate the political use of the FBI by the Biden Administration against conservatives and antiabortionists, — takes up its task and begins its hearings, another hot  file has surfaced.

Last week The Daily Compass described the disturbing FBI document of Richmond, Virginia, in which “dangerous” individuals were identified who should be subject to strict vigilance: Catholics who recite traditional prayers (such as the Rosary) and like to take part in Eucharistic Celebrations in Latin. Less than 24 hours after the publication of that infamous document, the FBI said that it would be retracted and that it would begin to take measures to eliminate it from the Federal office’s systems because it “does not comply with the stringent standards of the FBI.” However, the shadows of a systematic persecution, in detriment of religious liberty and of conservatives that disagree with Biden’s policy, are very far from disappearing.

In recent days, the Attorney Generals of 20 States signed a letter addressed to US Attorney General Merrick Garland, in which they condemn the anti-Catholic document and request that he intervene immediately against the FBI to prohibit Federal Agents from persecuting Americans for their religious practices  and to make public all the material related to the incriminated Memorandum, the recommendations on the implementation of the Report, a complete account of the process for which it was written, and information on the possible infiltration of the FBI in places of worship. 

The letter’s promoter, Jason Miyares, Virginia’s Attorney General, also issued a statement on February 10, in which he said that only from “Cuba’s regime” could such a document be expected, and certainly not from the home of religious liberty. In the same days, Bishop Barry Knestout of Richmond asked Virginia’s congressmen to condemn publicly the FBI’s Memorandum, adding that he was very “alarmed” by the document and “also surprised by the mention of the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter (FSSP) [a traditionalist Catholic society of apostolic life for priests and seminarians which is in communion with the Holy See], and celebrates the traditional form of the Catholic Mass. The FSSP has served with devotion for many years the parishes of our Catholic community and the faithful of our diocese that appreciate this form of the Catholic Mass in our diocese.” Undoubtedly, in the coming weeks, both the Director of the FBI as well as Attorney Garland will have to give an account of the numerous behaviours and decisions of the Biden Administration against the Christian faithful. 

Another example is the apology, forced by criminal and civil complaints, of the Administration of the National Archives and Museums, to a Catholic school group that visited Washington’s Museum on January 20, 2023, day of the Pro-Life March: the students were threatened by Security Agents “to take off or cover their clothes because of their pro-life messages” (in particular a cap with the inscription “Pro-Life Rosary”), in violation of the Constitution and the Charter of Rights. 

The atmosphere is really overheated and, a few days after the installation of the new Congress of Republican majority and led by Republicans, the Washington Examiner discovered and is publishing explosive documents and journalistic investigations on how and to what point  the Biden Administration — in particular through the Department of Justice and the State Department — has systematically restricted freedom of information and freedom of the press over the last two years, with the urgency to impede “politically incorrect” narratives, as well as to censure conservative contents, newspapers, leaders and think tanks. 

One of the systems used by the Biden Administration is based on a financial agreement  with the Global Disinformation Index, a “risk evaluation“ group of alleged fake news, which is also about to work for the European Commission and which has received funding from the State Department and secretly distributed “black lists” of conservative news organizations (Breitbart, Daily Caller, Daily Signal, Daily Wire, Drudge Report, Newsmax, RealClearPolitics, Sean Hannity, Townhall, Washington Examiner and Washington Times) to global advertising companies to drive them out of business. 

On Monday, February 13, the Republicans demanded the appearance of the Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, to answer this diabolical plot. A State Department spokesman rejected the accusations contained in the articles published in recent days by the Examiner. However, demonstrating that we are only at the beginning of the dismantling of a real authoritarian system built by the Democrats to threaten and exclude from the public scene all conservatives and believers that are opposed to the anti-values of Biden & Co., the Xandr advertising platform  (Microsoft’s property) has suspended the use of the Global Disinformation Index to carry out a serious internal revision. The liberals and alleged defenders of rights in reality seemed to be increasingly tyrants and anti-democratic. 

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