Pope Francis held an audience with Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz, the Prelate of Opus Dei

Pope Francis held an audience with Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz, the Prelate of Opus Dei Photo: Opus Dei

Pope Francis’ audience with the prelate of Opus Dei

Monsignor Ocáriz also briefed the Pope on preparations for Opus Dei’s centenary, including regional assemblies involving members, friends, and collaborators

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(ZENIT News / Vatican City, 06.24.2024).- On the morning of Monday, June 24, Pope Francis held an audience with Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz, the Prelate of Opus Dei, who was accompanied by the auxiliary vicar, Monsignor Mariano Fazio. According to Opus Dei’s official website, the meeting focused on the ongoing work with the Dicastery for the Clergy to update the organization’s statutes. Monsignor Ocáriz emphasized the collaborative and familial atmosphere in which these discussions are taking place. The Pope encouraged this spirit of dialogue and cooperation.

Monsignor Ocáriz also briefed the Pope on preparations for Opus Dei’s centenary, including regional assemblies involving members, friends, and collaborators. Additionally, he discussed his upcoming trip to South America, where the Pope stressed the importance of being close to those who suffer the most and where evangelization is particularly challenging. Pope Francis commended the dedicated efforts of Opus Dei members in these regions and bestowed his affectionate blessing on the Prelate and his assistant.

The meeting, which lasted about thirty minutes, was marked by warm and affectionate interactions from the Pope.

Addressing Changes and New Papal Directives

In a recent interview with the Spanish publication El Debate, Monsignor Ocáriz addressed how new papal directives might impact Opus Dei. When asked about the effect of these changes on the daily lives of its members, he explained that while juridical adjustments are underway, they do not alter the everyday vocation of lay members who are deeply engaged in worldly affairs. He assured that the process of adapting the statutes, as requested by the Pope in the Motu Proprio *Ad charisma tuendum*, is being conducted in a spirit of dialogue and trust.

Regarding concerns about the potential clericalization of Opus Dei—given its new dependency on the Dicastery for the Clergy despite the predominance of lay members—Monsignor Ocáriz emphasized that Opus Dei’s mission is fundamentally directed towards lay people. He argued that the organization has always sought the best institutional framework to safeguard its charism while maintaining its unique identity within the Church.

When asked whether Opus Dei might seek a new juridical model better suited to contemporary Christian life, Ocáriz stated that the personal prelature model has served Opus Dei well. He noted that they are in active dialogue with the Holy See to adjust their statutes and that it would be premature to speculate on a new juridical form. He highlighted the flexibility of canon law in helping find solutions that advance the Church’s mission without causing institutional disruption.

Interestingly, the Vatican’s official website has recently referred to the Prelate of Opus Dei as the «Moderador General,» reflecting ongoing discussions about the organization’s structure and leadership titles.

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